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MCA Academic Week​


For the 2024-2025 school year Magnolia Classical Academy is offering 3 year old

Pre-school, Jr. Kindergarten (4-5 years old), Kindergarten, 1st Grade and 2nd Grade. MCA is currently leveraging the collaborative University-Model (R) of education. This approach combines the best attributes of classroom learning with the best attributes of homeschooling and integrates them into one model. The result is a quality, cost-effective education that gives parents more time to spend raising their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord in their own home. (Ephesians 6:4)



For the 2025-2026 school year Magnolia Classical Academy is offering 3 year old

Pre-school, Jr. Kindergarten (4-5 years old), Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade and 4th Grade. The school week will be Monday-Friday from 8:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.


MCA will offer electives on Fridays.

MCA will also be offering an after-school program until 5:30, 5 days per week.


MCA is encouraging families who want to homeschool to utilize the option of attending school 2 days per week, either Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday. If families choose this option, then on their home days students at home will receive, as closely as possible, what the other students are receiving at school.


MCA will add grades each year. It is our goal to offer Pre-K through 12th Grade as soon as reasonably possible. If you have a child in a grade that is not yet offered please fill out THIS FORM. If there are enough children to form a particular grade we will try to accommodate them.


If you are interested in enrolling for the 2025-2026 school year you can fill out THIS FORM now.


We are currently offering opportunities to view the school on Mondays. Please fill out THIS FORM so we can schedule your visit.


Can a Parent Be a Teacher?


Believe it or not, you are your child's first and best teacher. Who taught your child how to get dressed? Who taught your child to say "please" and "thank you"? Who taught your child that Jesus loves him? Who taught your child how old he is, or how to count to 3? 

The Lord talks about parents training their children many times in the Bible. The mere fact that you are your child's parent equips you to be your child's teacher.

MCA is here to help you in that endeavor. Your child is going to spend 2 days per week under the tutelage of people who love the Lord and who are enthusiastic about learning. The students at MCA are going to have two wonderful days of instruction at school, and then they are going to bring home work to do with their parents. It should never take more than 2 hours (at the Grammer School level) to complete "home day" work. The parents will be spoon fed what to do with their children and they will be supplied anything needed to accomplish the tasks. The purpose of doing school like this is that the child remains under his parent's rule and authority at home for more hours than he is under someone else's. This allows the child to grow up recognizing and respecting his parent's voice as that of a teacher. 

School Hours


MCA students are in the classroom on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:30 A.M to 2:30 P.M.

Trustworthy Classical Christian curriculum is sent home as homework to be done on days not in class so that parents can confidently guide the at-home learning portion of their child's education.


Academic Calendar


August 21, 2024 - Meet the Teachers

September 4, 2024 - First Day of School

October 16, 2024 - Fall Break

December 23, 2024-January 6, 2025 - Christmas Break

March 17-21, 2025 - Spring Break

April 30, 2025 - Last Day of School 




MCA understands that tuition is an investment for families in the future of their children. We do not take this investment lightly. When it comes to tuition, the goal of MCA is to provide quality education at a price that is affordable for families. MCA is working with the state to help families receive the Parent's Choice School Tax Credit that was passed in 2023. MCA is also working to provide scholarships to families who need financial assistance in order to attend. Please contact us if you would like to discuss tuition or anything else regarding MCA.


Accredited by the Association of Classical Christian Schools


Magnolia Classical Academy (MCA) holds a mentorship accreditation from the Association of Classical Christian Schools. We follow the recommendations and guidelines outlined by the ACCS. As stated on the ACCS website:


Classical Christian Education (CCE) is education as it was practiced prior to the progressive movement early in the 20th century when the focus switched to job training. Instead, CCE sharpens students’ reasoning, language, and rhetorical skills with a Christian vision for all truth and knowledge. Classical education was created by the Greeks to train citizens to self-govern and live in freedom. Later, it was Christianized to become “Classical Christian.” In the medieval era, “scholastics” refined the form into what inspires classical Christian education today. Rather than emphasizing “subjects,” it emphasizes seven “liberal arts,” which liberate the mind to be less subject to controlling influences. The goal is to cultivate wisdom in light of Christ’s creation and kingdom. 

Meet Our Teachers

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Katie Tennison (Jr.K-K)
Cole Newton (1st-2nd, Bible, Latin & History)
Rachel Farve (Pre-K)

© 2024 by Magnolia Classical Academy. 

Tel: (405) 517-5966


Magnolia Classical Academy

123 N. 7th

Durant, OK 74701

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